
Narratives of Growth

Power of Personal Narratives

Personal narratives are the stories we tell ourselves and others about who we are. These stories help us make meaning of our experiences, as well as our relationships with others. Personal narratives can shape our identities, influence our behaviors, and guide how we make decisions. By outlining our understanding of the past, present, and future, narratives play a powerful role in our lives. These stories give our existence meaning, create continuity in our lives, and give us a way to understand both our challenges and successes in life.

Not only do we create narratives about ourselves, but we also create stories about others and our relationships. Additionally, the stories others tell of us also mold our identities, as we often internalize the stories and expectations of others, whether positive or negative. These external narratives can shape self-esteem, influence behavior, and alter how we perceive our significance. When others label us—whether as capable, lazy, or flawed—we may unknowingly adopt these labels and embody these roles as our own. 

Narratives in Relationships

Collective narratives in relationships, such as stories of overcoming challenges together or celebrating shared accomplishments, can create a sense of unity and mutual support. For example, recalling how we navigated challenges in our relationship can strengthen messages of commitment and trust. Storytelling can also communicate love and help us maintain intimacy. Reflecting with our partner on how we met, or the details of our first date, can help rekindle feelings of closeness. 

When we allow negative narratives to dominate our relationships, such as believing someone is always untrustworthy or that “nothing ever changes,” communication slowly erodes and creates disconnection. Stories stuck in a problem perspective can limit growth of the relationship, foster resentment, and prevent us from seeing potential or understanding the intentions of our loved ones. 

These problem-saturated stories can reinforce negative cycles by limiting our view of each other to our moments of shortcomings. When we view others and our relationships through a lens of problem-saturated narratives, we tend to look for the times and interactions that support our negative assumptions. This inevitably leaves little room for us to recognize moments of connection and growth in our relationships, even possibly preventing desired change to take place in the relationship. 

Shifting Narratives for Growth

Even in the most problem-focused stories, we have the power to edit the narratives of our life. We can do this by actively seeking to identify moments of growth and connection. Practicing empathy, discussing relationship concerns openly, and celebrating progress with our loved ones can help us create more narratives of connection and growth. Regularly reflecting on progress with our loved ones allows us to articulate and understand what efforts have been working and what these changes mean to us. 

Here are some questions to reflect on and help create a new relationship story:

  1. What are the stories you tell about how you and your partner met? What attracted you to each other?

  2. What challenges have you faced as a couple? How has your relationship grown from these challenges? 

  3. What narrative do you hold about how you handle conflict? What are some examples of times you both have handled conflict well? What did you learn about your partner as a result? 

  4. How do you talk about your joint successes as a couple? How do successes as a couple reflect the ways you both support each other? 

  5. Where is your story taking you both in the future? What shared goals and values will guide you two to your future together? 

Amy Coryell, LMFT-Associate, Supervised by Tanya Alexander, LMFT-S

Schedule with our Fort Worth therapist today!

If you are interested in further exploring this topic in your relationships, you can schedule a free consultation with Amy through the link below or email her at

Finding the Right Therapist in Fort Worth

The word therapy spelled out among scattered letters

Finding the Right Therapist in Fort Worth

For someone first embarking on their mental health journey, the task of finding the right therapist may seem daunting. There are so many words, licenses, and ideologies to navigate which may be unfamiliar to someone who hasn’t explored them before. One may not understand the importance of finding the right therapist, assuming they all do the same work. Alternatively, they may not trust any therapists and write off the experience entirely as not being for them.

Therapy is a great tool that one can use to work through your emotions, relationships with others, and behaviors. Speaking as a student interested in becoming a therapist, I recommend therapy to pretty much everyone I know. However, it cannot be as effective for the client if their therapist isn’t a good match. If you are beginning your search for a therapist or counselor in Fort Worth, Texas, these are some great characteristics to keep in mind during your search.

Types of Therapy in Fort Worth Texas

There are many types of therapy and different specialties that therapists choose to pursue.  Don’t be afraid to ask questions when looking for potential therapists. Learn about their experience working with clients who have had the same challenges as you. If you are seeking counseling for a specific experience, you may want to look into a specialist with knowledge focused on that specific topic. Therapists are trained in different ways in order to treat different populations. If you are looking for couples or family counseling, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) is trained to work with those clients. Different counselors can use different techniques in sessions as well. Some focus on talk therapy, mindfulness practices, or emotional awareness. Different techniques can be helpful to different clients depending on the individual and their need. 

Therapy and Personal Values

Your personal values are important in all of your relationships, and in a therapist, it can be just as important. While your therapist doesn’t have to have an exact match to your personal values, it can help the two of you connect and create a better relationship. Some people may choose to seek a therapist which follows the same religion or has similar life experiences so that they can feel well understood. Feeling safe and comfortable with your therapist can facilitate more impactful sessions. Keep your most important personal values in mind when selecting a therapist. But, a good therapist will do their best to put any differences aside for the sake of the client-therapist relationship.

Finding a Therapist in Fort Worth | Cost of Therapy

A common limiting factor to people seeking therapy is the cost of treatment. Finding a therapist that is able to work within your budget is extremely important. If you have insurance, search for a therapist within your network so that you can find the best match for you. Therapy ranges in cost depending on where and who you are receiving it from. Private practices often charge a higher rate than a community clinic may. Working with insurance, programs, and benefits from school or work can help to lower the cost and make therapy more accessible.

How do I find a therapist in Fort Worth?

Once you know what you’re looking for, how do you find a potential therapist? If you already know someone attending therapy who has had a good experience, word of mouth can be a great way to begin the journey. Who you decide to book with could also depend on your school or work and what benefits they provide. If you’re looking online, some great sites are and

Another great place to find a therapist is at Reconnecting Relationships Therapy located in Fort Worth, Texas. We have therapists available for booking, all with different fields of interest and experience. To learn more about them and find the perfect match head to our Find Your Therapist page.

Blog Contributor, Samara Schultz, is a recent psychology major graduate. She received her Bachelor of Science from the University of North Texas in May 2024. She is currently the social media assistant for RRT as she continues to explore a career in mental health, community service, and political science.

The Misconception: LMFTs only work with Couples and Families

LMFTs | Therapy in Fort Worth, TX

A common myth that we often see in our Fort Worth therapy practice is that we, LMFTs, (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists), only work with couples or families.  I can understand the confusion, since it’s stated right there in our title!  However, we DO see individuals.  And personally, I love it! 

Some clients are not always seeking relationship help but instead want to solely focus on a concern related to depression, anxiety, addiction, self-esteem, etc.  These are all areas that LMFTs can do good work in.  MFTs are all different.  They can specialize in different areas, work with a diverse population, and use a variety of approaches to conduct therapy. 

At the same time, while these topics may seem individual, as LMFTs we are trained to make connections in a social or relational context.  We make note that the issues an individual struggles with can affect how they relate with others and how others relate to them.  This can be useful in therapy to help nurture personal growth and expand on the client’s skillset. 

Therapists in Fort Worth, TX - The MFT Perspective

Our most unique attribute as a marriage and family therapist is the way we look at problems.  We are trained to look at situations with a systemic perspective.  We consider the environment the individual has experienced.  And we keep in mind, how our individual client also affects others. 

And boy, do we like exploring circular patterns!  We challenge the typical linear way of examining an issue so there is a more well-rounded overview of how the problem presents itself.  Most issues are cyclical so identifying old patterns is paramount in forming new, healthy, and effective patterns.

Couples Therapy as an Individual

There have been plenty of times when I have spoken to a potential client and they share with me that they don’t believe their partner is willing to attend couples therapy.  I can hear their frustration and disappointment in their voice.  They worry that if their partner is unable or unwilling to attend, then what other option is there?  How else can their relationship improve?  They feel stuck believing change can only occur if they can get their partner to attend couple’s therapy. 

However, change can still occur.  An individual can enter into therapy to address the issues they are experiencing in their relationship.  They can receive support while also gaining tools to improve how they communicate and respond to issues with their partner. 

Want to Learn More about family therapy in Fort worth?

If you are seeking couples or family therapy in Fort Worth, then a marriage and family therapist makes sense.  But if you’re looking for individual therapy, well we can do that too! Please feel free to browse through our therapist profiles to learn more about each one of our unique Fort Worth therapists!

Two Sides to Couples Conflict

Therapy for Couples in Fort Worth, TX

As a therapist, I am aware of the many coping strategies, communication tools, and de-escalation tactics that I have at my disposal to help me through times of conflict with my partner.  However, I haven’t always known how to deal with relationship problems.  And even with all my training and my years of practicing these tools, I can easily fall prey to unconstructive old habits. 

During a particular disagreement with my husband, I knew very well just what to say to really annoy him.  Most of the time, I acknowledge and am aware of what hurtful, punch-to-the gut thing I can say to really get to him.  But I also understand I will probably not get the response I want so I refrain from saying that annoying thing. 

However, this time I plowed through and said “F-it, I’m going for it!”  My feelings got the best of me. 

Being the sweet husband he is, I watched as he took in a deep breath and instead of one-upping me, he responded with acknowledgment of my hurt.  After further discussing our issue, I confessed to him that I was fully aware of my intent to hurt him back. I apologized.

How did I get away with this bad behavior?  John Gottman, couples researcher and clinician, proposes a 5:1 ratio is key in maintaining homeostasis in a relationship.  For every one negative interaction, we need five positive interactions to keep us feeling balanced in a relationship.  More often than not, we need to be good to each other.  This allowed me to have my moment, not a fabulous moment, but nonetheless, a human one.    

The other thing I did was acknowledge my behavior and apologize shortly after I was able to cool down.  Making repairs is so important!  And even though I was the hurt partner, I still played a role in how our conflict would emerge and come to a resolution.  He made his repair and so did I. 

You can protect your relationship by making sure you’re engaging with your partner in positive ways most of the time. We can never get away from conflict altogether, but we can make decisions to be more cognizant in the ways we contribute to conflict and being proactive to maintain a trusting and loving relationship.

Our Therapists in Fort Worth can help. Book today!

Where Do You Wish To Meet?

Illustration by Sophia Schultz

Illustration by Sophia Schultz

Counseling in Fort Worth Texas

Meeting you where you are:

Abraham Maslow was a humanistic psychologist who developed a theory describing what motivates individuals and how they move along the lines of getting their needs met.  His concept, Hierarchy of Needs, is most often depicted in a pyramid to delineate each level. 

The bottom level, the foundation, represents the most basic necessities for human survival while the highest level demonstrates transcendent desires.  As a person reaches their goals in one level, he or she is able to move on to the next level. 

If an individual has yet to satisfy the needs for food and shelter one can assume this person is less likely motivated to fulfill their needs in other levels.

The 5 Stage Model includes:   

1.    Physiological Needs -  food, shelter, water, clothing

2.    Safety & Security -  health, employment, stability, security of  body

3.    Love & Belonging -  friendships, family, intimacy, connection

4.    Self-Esteem -  confidence, respect from others, achievement

5.    Self-Actualization -  spontaneity, creativity, lack of prejudice, realizing personal potential

While the hierarchy is depicted in an upward trajectory, it is not uncommon for people to fluctuate from one level to the next.  When changes arise such as divorce, death, breakups, or loss of employment, individuals can find themselves moving back and forth through the hierarchy. 

When the needs to be loved, to feel safe, to feel confident become threatened, it is human nature to make attempts, even if ineffective, to gain or maintain them. This can result in relationship conflict, anxiety, and other misunderstood effects.

In our practice, clients come to us from all different levels.  We do our best to listen to where our clients have been, find out where they are, and discover where they wish to be.  On whichever level you find yourself, we will meet you there.   

The Continuum of Addiction and When to Reach Out For Help

signs of addiction

A lot of people have a difficult time truly understanding addiction and alcoholism and why some people become addicted to drugs and alcohol.  While there are some differences between the two, this article uses terms addiction and alcoholism interchangeably.  A lot of times you’ll hear people say things like, “Why don’t they just stop?” or “They said they want to stop so how come they just don’t?”  A lot of times people mistakenly think that it’s due to a lack in willpower, and that it is just a matter of choice.  Unfortunately, sometimes it is just not that easy and not that black and white. Drugs and alcohol can change the brain in ways that makes quitting drugs a lot harder than someone who drinks or uses recreationally.  Addiction is a very complicated disease that requires interventions beyond willpower.  Back in the 1950s, the American Medical Association classified alcoholism as a disease. Alcoholism is a progressive disease that has the potential to have devastating effects. While at the beginning of drug or alcohol use choosing to say no might be easy, to others further into the cycle it is not that easy.

 According to research, there are several stages in the continuum of addiction.  These stages are: abstinence, experimentation, abuse, dependence, addiction, and death. Here’s a quick explanation of the different stages:

Abstinence: The first stage in the progressive model of addiction is just simply not using at all. This is the time period prior to any type of use whatsoever.

Experimentation: This is the first time that people use and usually has to do with curiosity in social settings and is amplified with peer pressure. While some use because they are curious and for social reasons, others might use as a way of acting out.  Another potential reason is due to emotional problems, such as problems dealing with grief and loss or feeling lonely.   More often than not, the ones that use for the emotional reasons have a higher likelihood of progressing in this cycle.

Abuse: Substance abuse is simply the continued use despite negative consequences. These consequences can be a failure in fulfilling major role obligations at work, school, or home. It can also be continued use despite legal problems, despite persistent and recurrent social or interpersonal problems.

Dependence: A big shift happens in this stage and this is most notably defined with the onset of increased tolerance and withdrawals. The want becomes a need. Tolerance can be defined as the fact that it takes more and more to get the same effect.  For instance, 2 drinks to get a buzz now takes 4 drinks.  Tolerance can also be defined as a diminished effect.   The diminished effect can be that no matter how much the person uses they are no longer able to get the same desired effect. Withdrawals can be physiological and psychological. The withdrawal symptoms vary depending on the substance and as a general rule of thumb whatever effect a substance has going into the body will have the exact opposite effect going out of the body. 

Addiction:  This is when the substance takes priority. It is when the substance causes people to do things that they otherwise would not have ever done. Just because someone is “highly functioning” doesn’t mean that they cannot have a problem. Chronic drug use leads to individuals having a clouded perspective that shifts what is actually reality.  There's a good chance the “highly functioning” is not the work output the person would be doing if they were on their “A game”.

Death:  Unfortunately, addiction can lead to death and can have an extreme impact on individuals, families, and society as well. Whether it is from an accidental overdose, liver failure, heart attacks or other major health problems caused by chronic drug or alcohol use, thousands of people die every year from the fatal disease of addiction.

Here are some signs and symptoms that indicate a need to reach out for help:

  • You cannot stop using the substance.

  • Your drug or alcohol use has led to unsafe behavior and become impulsive.

  • You are having withdrawal symptoms.

  • You need the substance in order to function.

  • Someone that cares about you or even a physician tells you that you should stop.

  • Lying

  • Spending too much money on your substance

  • Problems at school or work

  • Health problems

  • Decreased hygiene

  • Changes in behavior

  • Continued use despite a desire to stop.

If you or a loved one is struggling, then I highly encourage you to reach out for help. Chances are if you are questioning whether or not you should reach out, then you should.  The severity of the presenting issues will dictate the type of substance abuse treatment that is needed. Treatment options range from inpatient treatment in a residential setting to outpatient therapy. The bottom line is that if it is causing problems in your life, I would highly encourage you to reach out to someone for help.  It all starts with a phone call and putting the right team in place to help you on your journey. When one door closes another one opens.

Rane Wallace, MS, LPC, LCDC has a huge passion for helping those still struggling with addiction and their families as well. He is a Licensed Professional Counselor and a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor. He has worked in the field of addiction for over 10 years and is the Owner at Fort Wellness, PLLC, an Associate at LifeSquared Counseling & Consulting, and a Counselor III for the Tarrant County Community Supervision & Corrections Department.


What is the ratio in your relationship?

Can you remember the last time your partner made a positive comment about you? Or do you feel regularly criticized by your partner instead?  When negative interactions outweigh the positive ones in your relationship it may be hard to even recall the positive qualities in your partner. Although there are no quick fixes to ensure you will live a fairy tale relationship with only positive interactions with your partner, there is a strategy I will discuss in this post that can lead to a happier, more stable and connected relationship. 

Dr. John Gottman, researcher and clinical psychologist, has studied couples for many years to find out what makes marriages successful or end in divorce. He found that expressing fondness, encouragement, and admiration toward one another could go a long way in maintaining a strong marital relationship. This may seem obvious, but in addition he found that happy and stable couples share more positive feelings and actions than negatives ones even when facing conflict. Happy and stable couples may continue to experience some negative interactions, yet the key is in the balance. According to Gottman, the magic ratio is 5 to 1. This means that for every 1 negative feeling or interaction between partners, there must be 5 positive feelings or interactions. 

So if you feel that your relationship is not practicing the magic ratio, here are some things to help you start increasing positive feelings or interactions. 

Show Affection

  • Hold hands, hug, kiss

  • Offer a back rub or foot rub

  • Sit together while watching TV

  • Say “I love you” 

Show care and concern

  • Buy your partner his or her favorite dessert while out on an errand

  • Write a short email, send a card, or a thoughtful text message to your partner

  • Write a note of encouragement 

  • Let your partner know it matters to you when they are concerned

    • Example: “it sounds like you had a really rough day at work today.” 

Show thankfulness

  • Recall and share with your partner ways that they have been helpful or caring

  • Thank him or her for what he or she does for you

  • Compliment your partner

  • Point out positive qualities you genuinely appreciate and admire

Listen to understand

  • Be aware of your verbal and non verbal expressions when listening to your partner

    • Example: nodding your head and maintaining eye contact

  • Tell your partner how you understand his or her perspective

  • Listen carefully and completely to your partner before commenting

  • Avoid providing advice too quickly, listen completely first

Be respectful

  • Acknowledge your partner’s opinion and let them know you think it is important

  • Avoid name calling or being sarcastic towards your partner’s comments

  • Be open minded with your partner even when you do not agree

Lighten up!

  • Be playful 

  • Engage in activities in where you both can laugh 

  • Joke around with each other, but avoid jokes that are sarcastic or hostile towards your partner

  • Share memories with your partner about when you first met

  • Share your feelings with your partner when you feel good or happy, especially when they have been brought up by your partner

Aim for the magic ratio and watch your relationship blossom!  

What's Really Up with Herbal Viagra!

I’m sure you’ve all read about, or at least have heard about, the big sex scandal that is surrounding Lamar Odom.  Before we begin, let’s do a little recap.  Mr. Odom had a four-day stay at a legal brothel in Nevada where it was reported that he had been mixing alcohol, cocaine, and herbal Viagra pills.  On the fourth day there, Mr. Odom was found unconscious in his bed.  In a few of the articles I have read, the brothel owner stated that Mr. Odom had taken about 10 of the herbal Viagra pills within his four-day stay there.  This trending story has inspired me to write this blog for you guys on the benefits, as well as the health concerns that come with taking any herbal Viagra supplement. 

There are numerous pills out there that are labeled as male sexual enhancement pills, all which are not FDA approved.  The main reason why the FDA does not approve these is because they contain an ingredient, which is not listed on the package, called sildenafil, or more commonly known as Viagra.  Sildenafil is never listed on the packages because one has to have a prescription from a doctor in order to obtain Viagra; whereas anyone can simply buy an herbal Viagra pill from a gas station or their nearest sex shop. 

Lets start with the good news, the advantages to taking an over the counter Viagra.  Due to the main ingredient being sildenafil, it will work just like Viagra does.  These pills will help increase blood flow to the penis, resulting in a stronger, firmer erection.  These pills will also increase the girth size of the penis, again, because the blood vessels running along the shaft are dilating, allowing more blood to flow through.  These pills are also known to help increase a man’s stamina; therefore he will be able to last longer than he normally does.  Also, after the man ejaculates, these pills will help him regain another erection in less time than it usually takes.  

Now on to the bad news…these pills do come with some health and safety concerns.  All of these pills are vasodilators, meaning they help the blood vessels expand, which in turn lowers a man’s blood pressure.  Most of these pills come with a warning on the back stating that the user should talk to their doctor about taking the pill prior to using them; especially men who are already dealing with high blood pressure, have heart problems, and/or have diabetes.  Mixing any other medication, especially pertaining to these health concerns, can be very dangerous, if not fatal.  Most of the pill packages even advise not to take more than one pill within a 72hour period—which Mr. Odom exceeded.  

All in all, I hope the Lamar Odom scandal didn’t scare anyone away from trying any of the over the counter herbal Viagra pills.  I do, however, hope that it has shed some light onto the risks and consequences that can result from not paying attention to the warning labels and not talking to your doctor first.  These pills can, after all, help boost a man’s confidence and liven up your sex life!

Coping Skills With Our 5 Senses

Coping Skills are those strategies that we use to deal and process life stressors, conflict and emotions. Coping skills can range from positive and healthy to negative and unhealthy, all depending on how they are used. Do your current coping skills help you overcome and manage stress and emotional turmoil? Or do they hide issues and emotions that are usually not worked through? Using healthy coping strategies on a regular basis will help provide balance in your overall mental health and provide support when life gets harder. If you already use coping skills on a regular basis, congratulations, keep adding and refreshing more skills to your coping spectrum!

Being in the mental health profession, I have been able to observe coping skills that have been effective for many of my clients. Provided below are some of these coping skills that I have either utilized myself or seen to be helpful for others. Read the ideas below and explore what unique combination of coping skills could help you today!
• Chew a piece of ice or eat some ice cream or drink cold water
• Breathe! Take 5 deep breaths: think about releasing tension and negative thoughts each time you exhale.
• Move Around: stretch, take a walk, exercise
• Take a shower, feel the warmth and imagine your anxiety washing away
• Hug a friend or a family member

• Watch your favorite movie or comedy show
• Allow yourself to daydream for 10 minutes
• Look at pretty things: flowers, art, or study the sky
• Paint, draw or doodle
• Look through old pictures
• Peel an orange or lemon and notice the smell of the oils
• Place a fragrance that is pleasant for you on your wrist: lavender, peppermint of favorite perfume
• Do some baking-enjoy the mixture of aromas and soothing movements of mixing ingredients
• Make herbal tea and focus on the smell while you enjoy your drink
• Listen to music that helps soothe you
• Read a quote or favorite scripture out loud
• Sing
• Pause and listen to 3 sounds you hear around you (Ie..rain drops, wind, laughter)
• Have a conversation with someone who listens and you can trust
• Name 5 positive things in your life
• Write yourself an “I love you because…” letter
• Make a to-do list: focus on top 3 to decrease feeling overwhelmed

Surviving the Damages from an Affair

What exactly is an affair?  Many people have different definitions for this word.  Some people believe an affair is having a sexual relationship with someone outside of the relationship, others believe becoming emotionally attached to someone else is considered having an affair, while some believe the act of watching pornography could be considered an affair.  This is why it is so important to communicate individual expectations with your partner in where healthy boundaries and limits can be established in order to protect your relationship.  

If an affair within the relationship does occur, it can be very detrimental to the relationship, as well as to the non-offending partner.  However, just because damage has been done, does not mean it cannot be repaired!  It won’t happen overnight, but with the guidance and support of a skilled professional, it can be done.

You may be asking yourself, “How?”  A licensed therapist will be able to help the couple identify the underlying contributions to the affair.  The shared responsibility of these contributions may not be equal; however, addressing each partner’s role in the relationship could provide clues on issues that weakened the relationship prior to the affair.  This can help the couple prevent these circumstances in the future.  A therapist will also help the couple with improving their communication patterns.  They will learn how to “communicate more sensitively, how to listen with more respect, how to talk about sensitive issues without anger or criticism, and how to offer more positivity…” (Heitler, 2011).  The most difficult aspects of surviving the affair are forgiveness and trust.  Be prepared for the long haul while repairing these pieces.  It can, however, be done while working with a therapist through the anger, pain, and fears. 

Once the communication gate is open and flowing, and the partners have repaired trust, it may be time to explore restoring the couple’s intimacy.  In the beginning, sexual intimacy may be compared to the intimacy that occurred during the affair.  The therapist can help the couple come back together in order to achieve more enjoyable and pleasurable intimacy that may have been missing or lacking previously.  

With all of this being said, in order for the couple to survive this rainstorm, both partners have to be willing to repair the damages together.  This can all be done with the support and help from a professional therapist.  Some couples even report developing an even stronger and more intimate relationship after surviving the affair!


Bloom, Charlie & Bloom, Linda. (2010, May 10). Is there (marital) life after an affair? [Web log post] Retrieved from

Heitler, Susan. (2011, Nov 1). Recovery from an affair. [Web log post] Retrieved from

McCarthy, Barry W. (2012, Jan 2). Sexual recovery from an extramarital affair. [Web log post] Retrieved from